Jean Bodin: LES SIX LIVRES DE LA REPUBLIQUE, Lyon, 1580 (1579)


A Lyon: par Iacques du Puys, Libraire Iuré en l’Université de Paris, 1580 (al colophon:  à Lyon, de l’imprimerie de Iean de Tournes, 1579)

Folio (cm 36×22). Pages [12], 739, [19]; large printer device at the title page, woodcut initials and headpieces, title page with old repairs, small waterstains at the upper margins, occasional larger ones at a few pages, with some wormholes not affecting the text, if not occasionally, very fresh textblock. Solid contemporary leather binding with blind-stamped arabesque medallion at the center of the boards, spine with raised bands. Two ex-libris applied to pastedown.

In folio (cm 36×22). Pagine [12], 739, [19]. Grande marca tipigrafica al frontespizio (Cristo e la Samaritana al pozzo). Copia marginalmente gorata, piccoli guasti abilemnte restaurati all’angolo inferiore del frontespizio, alcuni lavori di tarlo che  toccano occasionalmente piccole porzioni di testo. Legatura coeva in piena pelle con fregi arabeggianti al centro di ciascun piatto e filetti di contorno impressi a secco,  dorso a 5 nervi. Alcune piccole mancanze lungo le cerniere. Ex-libris di due diverse collezioni applicati al contropiatto anteriore.


Early, large and genuine edition in contemporary binding of Bodin’s seminal work in the field of political theory and law. Published in 1576, during a period of political and religious turmoil in Europe, Bodin’s work has had a significant impact on Western political thought.

One of the main reasons for the work’s relevance is that it represents one of the earliest attempts to outline a comprehensive and systematic theory of the State. Bodin aims to define the nature of the State, its laws and institutions, as well as the characteristics of an ideal government. This makes him one of the precursors of modern state theory.

Another significant aspect is his contribution to the theory of sovereignty. Bodin argued that sovereignty, the supreme and unquestionable power in the State, should reside in a single authority, which could be an absolute monarch or a representative assembly. This idea has had a huge influence on the development of the modern concept of sovereign state.

Furthermore, Bodin extensively discussed the issue of natural law and positive law, and how these should interact within the structure of the State. This debate remains relevant today as societies seek a balance between respecting individuals’ natural rights and the need for norms and laws to maintain social order.

Finally, “The Six Books of the Republic” reflects the tumultuous historical context in which it was written, with religious wars raging across Europe. Bodin offered arguments for stable and authoritative government as a solution to the divisions and conflicts of his time. This raised important ethical and political questions about authority and individual liberties, which remain at the heart of contemporary political debate.

Sesta edizione, dopo le prime quattro parigine del Du Puys del 1576, 1577, 1578 e 1579, e la prima lionese, sempre del Du Puys, pure del 1579, di quest’opera che, dopo il Principe di Machiavelli, puo’ essere considerata una delle piu importanti per la storia del  pensiero politico del secolo XVI. A partire dal 1578 Bodin aveva apportato correzioni significative in seguito alle critiche del giurista Cujas. Il Bodin inseri’ in questa edizione una Epistola dedicatoria al Faur, presidente del parlamento di Parigi in cui definisce questa “editio multis partibus auctior & castigatior”, chiarendo quindi trattarsi non di una banale ristampa.

Bibliography: Baudrier I/pp. 366-367; BM STC French Books p.72; Adams B 2237; PMM 94.

Additional information






George Lainé; Lucien Allienne; Libreria Antiquaria Soave