Venezia: Bartolomeo Carampello, 1616.
4 parts in volume in folio (320 x 210mm). Pagination: 67 pp. – 1 f. – 78 pp. – 46 pp. -1 f. – 133 pp., – 1 p., Frontispiece within elaborate woodcut frame, woodcut initials and illustrations. Light stains on final leaves. Contemporary leather, title on gilt spine, double gilt frame on the boards, spine and corners restored.
Provenance: Juvenel? (title note) – Bibliothèque F. Renard (exlibris on pastedown) – John de Zulueta (exlibris on pastedown).
Unsophisticated copy of the most studied architectural treatise in the Renaissance, in which systematic rules for construction and numerous examples of projects are indicated. The book was a great success and inspired the work of a large number of architects throughout the nineteenth century to be considered the most influential publication of architecture ever produced and determining much of the architectural image of Western civilization.
Reference: Fowler n.215. (The Fowler Collection of Early Architectural Books from Johns Hopkins University)